The second session was held thanks to Dr. Zangeneh and the follow-ups of the Original Saffron Cooperative of the Ancient Land, as this cooperative is the only joint-stock cooperative in the agricultural sector. The Ministry of Cooperatives welcomed this cooperative’s presence and announced its support. Therefore, the second session was attended by the heads of Post Bank, Dr. Shiri, and the Hope Entrepreneur Fund, Dr. Rezaei, along with the Deputy for Cooperatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Dr. Maskani, the Deputy for Employment, Dr. Karimi Birangvand, and Mr. Ghasemi from the Iranian Cooperative Chamber. The processes were reviewed for payments to the banks, which aimed to open credit lines. Three types of solutions for financing were presented, and it was agreed that the Original Saffron Cooperative of the Ancient Land would conduct the necessary studies and choose the best option for financing.